Did you ever watch the show the Simpsons? Do you still watch it now? When I was old enough to actually watch the show I thought it was hilarious. Like most people, we looked at this show as entertaining fiction. However, over the years people began to tie real-life events back to Simpson's episodes. Saying that "the Simpsons predicted this," or "remember when that happened on the Simpsons?"
Honestly, I only remember Trump being president in the show, but there were more than a handful of other "predictions." Some people will say that if it happened in the Simspons and it's happening now then we should start paying more attention to these episodes. If you like the show, just say you like the show. I'm no longer interested in the show, but all I need to know about "predictions" I can read in the bible. All other things I can experience as each day comes. I don't need the Simpsons, a psychic, or anything thing else.
Most recently another Simspon episode prediction has been floating around social media. This one is about the Rapture. Although taken slightly out of context; I wonder if people will take as much interest in saying this will be true as they have with others. In the episode, Homer starts to speak of God coming back and him not being ready as people begin to "disappear" in the film he watches. Whether you believe in the rapture or you think it's a fairytale. It's going to happen.
In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 says "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
Some pick and choose what they want to believe in the Bible. All types of excuses will be given. " It was written by a man so everything in it isn't accurate," or The King James Version wasn't translated properly"...umm excuse me, do you speak Hebrew, Greek, no? oh ok, I didn't think so. If you can't translate then you can't debate. When you pray who are you talking to if you don't believe the Bible? If he didn't want you to believe in the word it wouldn't exist, and if he only wanted you to choose the parts that make you "feel good" he would have said that.
The name of the Simpson episode is called Thank God It's Doomsday
or you can type in Simpson Rapture on YouTube to see the full episode. Here is a preview clip below:
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